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  About Counselling and Therapy

 Counselling and therapy can be life changing and of great benefit, especially when we are experiencing difficulties or are feeling that we don't have control of our lives.

All too often we struggle on with our problems, somehow accepting that this is just how it is for us .........but that really doesn't have to be the case because we absolutely can do something about it.

Counselling and therapy helps us to explore both ourselves and the issues that we are facing. By understanding the how and why, we are better placed to know, not only what we want to change but also how we can put in place those changes, to lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

There used to be a certain stigma attached to counselling and therapy but thankfully we now appreciate the benefits of facing our problems and doing something positive and constructive about changing what isn’t working for us.

I understand that you may not find it easy taking that first step to embark on counselling or therapy. The thought of facing your fears and doubts can feel quite daunting……….but not only is it not as scary as you may be imagining, it is a journey that is well worth taking and the rewards for you are huge.

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